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Most can be identified with a metal detector, due to their iron and nickel content. They also tend to be heavier than terrestrial rocks with peculiar features like chondrules. Consult a local geologist who can run some lab tests to confirm whether it is indeed a meteorite. Certain chondrite meteorites fallen from outer space contain traces of amino acids and organic matter, bolstering the theory that life may have been seeded on Earth. Achondrites are relatively younger meteorites of the igneous rock type and are pieces of asteroids. They tend to be primarily composed of olivine, pyroxene, and iron nickel alloys. They are similar in composition to chondrites, except for the chondrules, that tend to be missing. Some have been known to originate from Moon and Mars. The absence of chondrules may be a result of their remelting under heat, followed by crystallization. They are further classified into Primitive Acapulcoites, Winonaites, Lodranites, and Branchinites, Enstatite, Aubrites, Angrites, Ureilites, HED Howardites, Eucrites, Diogenites, Dunite, Lunar Breccias, Basalts, Gabbros, and Martian Shergottites, Nakhlites, and Chassigny asteroids. Iron meteorites are fragments of asteroids, primarily composed of iron nickel alloys.

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Its important that you understand the implications of progressing to the next year of your course when you have not yet met the progression requirements for your current year. You will have to complete all of the next year of your studies and assessment as well as taking reassessment in your failed modules from the previous year. It might be a better route for you to choose another reassessment option, such as repeating the year. You can only fail up to a maximum of 30 credits worth of non core modules across your whole degree, so you if you trail 45 credits and do not pass at least 15 credits, you will not be eligible for an honours degree. If you dont pass the modules you are trailing in January, the next opportunity for reassessment in these modules will be September 2021. If you are proceeding to your final year in October 2020, this means that, if you dont pass the module in January, then you will not be able to graduate in July 2021 if you have not met the eligibility criteria for an honours degree.

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Certainly the last one is so far out in left field that in fact it's right out of the ball park. Regarding the question of censorship and cover ups over things alien in nature, as noted above, things like Martian microbes are too inconsequential to try to hide; ancient astronauts' are too old for a government to worry about; SETI aliens if SETI succeeds are too far away to worry about; but UFOs are a different kettle of fish. The possibility that highly advanced aliens with unknown motives might be present here and now well can you imagine any government admitting to the great unwashed that they really have no control over their airspace!Any government that had, by accident, obtained alien technology would certainly not share that information with anyone, including allies, and thus wouldn't admit same to their citizens. Of course not all countries and their respective governments may even have the appropriate data which to cover up. You can't hide what you don't know about in the first place. 3 Freedom of Information FOI: Why is it, if UFOs are total pseudoscience nonsense, that so many individuals have had to resort to Freedom of Information Act actions in the United States in particular in order to get official UFO related government documents, many of which, if released, have large portions and chunks blacked out?Further, not all FOI requests succeed. Why indeed if UFOs are just silly season' fodder claimed by the sceptics?4 Case History: Area 51, etc: If a government, any government of any country, had possession of alien technology, say the remains of a crashed flying saucer, there is little doubt that the powers that be would try to 1 figure it all out and b keep it secret from other foreign powers that be. That would be the case as well if say the Americans were to obtain terrestrial technology with military applications from captured Russian or Chinese or for that matter even Australian hardware. Thus, it would come as no real surprise that such a government would have one or more top secret sites where such back engineering would be done, and secrets kept. However, even if no government had any alien technology, they still would have top secret sites for producing, testing, and etc. terrestrial technology vital to national security.

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